Wedding Date
Bride's Name
First Name
Last Name
Bride's Phone
Groom's Name
First Name
Last Name
Groom's Phone
Bride & Groom's address after the wedding
First Name
Last Name
Coordinator's Phone
How many Bridesmaids?
Alternate Contact for the Girls' Name (typically the maid of honor)
First Name
Last Name
Alternate Contact for the Girls' Phone
How many Groomsmen?
Alternate Contact for the Guys' Name (typically the best man)
First Name
Last Name
Alternate Contact for the Guys' Phone
Bride's Parents
Bride's Siblings
Groom's Parents
Groom's Siblings
Are there any family situations you would like us to be aware of?
What time will coverage begin?
Address where Girls will be getting ready
Address where Guys will be getting ready
Will you be seeing each other before the ceremony?
If so, do you have any ideas of where you would like to do your first look?
Ceremony Address
What time will the ceremony begin?
Reception Address
What time will the reception begin?
This can be the most stressful picture taking session of the day so I ask that you please appoint a family member or friend to gather everyone needed for portraits. I have tried to simplify this session by the basic/standard suggestions below but please write in any additional special combinations or family members that you would like added. As your photographer, I do not know (or pretend to assume) your unique family dynamics and therefore will need to be informed of your specific family groupings.
The following list constitutes the basic family portrait groupings. This set of portraits generally takes 15-20 minutes.
(please check all that apply)
Bride & Groom with Bride's parents
Bride & Groom with Bride's parents & siblings
Bride & Groom with Bride's grandparents
Bride & Groom with Bride's extended family (includes aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.)
Bride & Groom with Groom's parents
Bride & Groom with Groom's parents & siblings
Bride & Groom with Groom's grandparents
Bride & Groom with Groom's extended family (includes aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.)
When adding to this list, please keep in mind that each additional grouping can take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on who's involved and if we can find them right after the ceremony.
Please provide a list of specific shots you would like to have. This does not include the usual bridal party or family portraits but rather anything special that I would not know about . Maybe specific details, a special relative, a surprise event during the day, etc.
Anything else you just can't wait to tell me?
When you're finished, please remember to click the "Send" button below